Thursday 3 March 2011

From St David to St John


Here I am in the beautiful city of Norwich - home to 52 churches (some dating back to medieval times) this picture is of the cathedral of st John the baptist and it's also the view from my window!!
Going back to Tuesday and I was heading to Bath at the end of my last blog, there to greet me when I arrived was mother dearest as she'd taken the train from Cardiff to come make sure I was doing OK and eating properly, as all mothers like to do from time to time! Also after the gig she treated me to a nice slap up meal in town (thanks Mum). Following day I headed over to Nottingham - I was staying in a guesthouse that looked and smelt like Bates motel from the film Psycho - thankfully this owner didn't have a penchant for mass-murder, nevertheless I made sure my door was securely locked before I went to bed!
Which brings us to today and Norwich - I must confess to having a soft spot for Norwich, something about this place and the people really appeals to me. After the gig I went and grabbed a bite to eat with a friend at Take 5 - I ordered Veg Chilli and initially they brought a Beef one over - because of the mix up I got it for half price and got a free coffee, see what I mean - nice people!

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