Sunday 6 March 2011

The Blues (light v.s dark) and the two ronnies

Oxford v.s Cambridge
Hello Wetherspoons my old friend, what is it about when me and Sarah are together that makes us gravitate to the nearest branch (hint: free wi-fi)...
At least we are getting great comic comfort from the name of this one - the four candles (see Two Ronnies sketch to see what I mean)
Friday saw me in Cambridge and another glorious one-way system experience awaited me - I swear the people at TomTom are having a right laugh sending me this way and that - believe me the hilarity wears off pretty quickly - even the parking attendants seem to feel sorry for me!! The Nero on Market St wasn't the greatest but I consoled myself in the knowledge I'd be going home that night. Though it was only a short stop-over in Herne Hill it was good to be home and in my own bed for the first time in two weeks. Yesterday I was in Reading, playing at the Oracle shopping centre. A bit of a logistical nightmare this one too, but it was a good gig and there were some familiar faces in the audience including my old friend Adam who used to drum in my old band 'Sexy Russian' not my name choice I hasten to add ;) Afterwards I picked up Sarah from the station and we headed to her friend Ruth's house in Oxford. Later I had a scrumptious steak at the Turnpike pub in Yarnston and a few glasses of Cab Sav/Shiraz before we hit the hay.
Which brings us to today and Oxford - it was my first gig with Sarah since Liverpool and it was good to have her on hand to help me navigate the Oxford roads. We played twice today finishing off playing downstairs in the High St branch to a large collection of students and Italian and Japanese tourists - and now we're here in the Four candles, or should that be Fork Handles.....

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