Saturday 26 February 2011

War of the Roses - The First 1000 miles

Greetings from Mansfield, my stopover for the night. It's been a manic few days since my last post. Thursday I was in Sheffield, playing the Nero outside the beautiful town hall. This was the day I was also joined by Sarah Howells (Paper Aeroplanes) and we proceeded to spend most of the day & night leaching off free wi-fi from whichever Wetherspoons was nearest - we got cabin fever in the end and had to retire to our hotel!!
Friday saw us arrive in Liverpool - home to the greatest football team on earth ;-)
Another city were my tomtom decided to send me down bus lanes! At the Bold st Nero we met a lady whose eclectic music tastes made us feel shamefully inadequate - Lupe Fiasco, Janelle Monae & Al Lewis!!
In the evening I bid farewell to Sarah and went to meet up with an old friend from Abergele and discuss LFC and a possible homecoming gig. Which brings us to today....
Manchester - quite possibly the best day so far, it seemed like the traffic/parking gods were smiling on me for once! Both gigs went really well, sold plenty of copies of 'in the wake' and got to see some old friends who I first met during my year living in Toulouse back in 2005!!
Plus Wales won in the rugby
All in all a good day - which brings me to Mansfield and the 1000 mile juncture of the tour...right time to go 'match of the day' is starting....

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