Wednesday 10 August 2011

My week at the National Eisteddfod - Wrexham

To many outsiders the National Eisteddfod can seem like a strange almost other-worldly event that takes place almost in its own reality.
Though it has it's roots in deep druid traditions the Eisteddfod is now much more than simply a chance for Welsh speakers to congregate in one place and reminisce - it is a celebration of the language and of music/art/theatre/prose all eminating from Wales.

The BBC sent the Welsh tenor Wynne Evans to the site this year for him to experience the Eisteddfod first-hand. The show which aired on Sunday is a nice snippet of all that goes-on and even features a guest appearance by no-other than myself :)
You can catch it again on iPlayer here for a few more days:

I had one of my busiest weeks at the Eisteddfod this year. It began on Monday night with the concert in the Pink Pavilion with a full-blown orchestra. Myself and Arwel had the privilege to have our songs arranged for the Orchestra by the talented John Quirk. It was quite an experience to hear the songs in such a different setting and great to share the stage with such legendary Welsh acts from across the ages - Meic Stevens. Elin Fflur, Caryl Parry Jones, Tecwyn Ifan and Huw Chiswell.


Tuesday began quite sedately with a couple of nice acoustic shows at the Mantais tent on the site. That was quickly followed by our first 'Band' show on the Main Performance Stage which conveniently is located next to the beer tent :)
It worked out well that as we came on the sun began to shine and  there was a nice group of people sitting/listening to the music enjoy a nice cold refreshment! In the evening we played a show at Central Station for 'Cymdeithas yr Iaith' (Welsh Language Society) alongside Daniel Lloyd and Mr Bryn Fon. Sufficed to say there were a few pints consumed that night!

Wednesday saw us once again performing on the Eisteddfod site itself and we were also invited to do an acoustic set for Alan Thompson's Evening Show on BBC Radio Wales which was broadcasting live from Wrexham for the whole week.

Straight from the radio session it was a quick hop over the road to soundcheck for Maes B - Sion from the band was a very busy boy that night - not only was he playing with us but he was also playing for Elin Fflur and Gildas (all in the same night!)

Thanks to Wendie for the next picture - she was assigned the role of chief photographer for the night by her other-half to get good use of the new camera :)


Which brings us back nicely to Thursday and the performance for the TV Crew following Wynne Evans around the Eisteddfod!
All in all quite a busy week, filled with many a highlight and memories to keep.
Finally for those of you who are interested - Al Lewis Band will be appearing on the first episode of the new series of Nodyn which starts this Friday (12th) on S4C (you many remember pictures that were taken from the shoot on a previous blog).